
Here is a list of organisations and government entities affiliated with NPSPD:
Our aim is to ensure that families receive adequate support and the necessary respite, so that persons with disability can remain in their family home and continue to live in their community thus avoiding institutionalisation. In 1990 the National Parents Society for Persons with Disability in collaboration with the National Commission for Persons with Disability and Rotary Club Malta, recognised the need for respite care and established the Dar il-Kaptan Foundation.
Guardianship is a legal relationship between a person who has a disability or a mental disorder and another person called the Guardian. The purpose of Guardianship is to provide support to the person in managing their own affairs and to advocate for their rights and best interests.
This site tells you about Maltese Guardianship Legislation and offers information about the application process. It also serves as a single information point for procedures related to the appointment of Guardians, Guardians’ responsibilities and obligations as well as what happens once an order has been granted.
This site tells you about Maltese Guardianship Legislation and offers information about the application process. It also serves as a single information point for procedures related to the appointment of Guardians, Guardians’ responsibilities and obligations as well as what happens once an order has been granted.
The Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) is committed to rendering Maltese society inclusive. Their vision is that persons with a disability may reach their full potential in all aspects of life, enjoying a high quality of life due to equal opportunities. In fulfilling this mission, CRPD works to eliminate any form of direct or indirect social discrimination against persons with a disability and their families, while providing them with necessary assistance and support.
The MaltaCAN network was established to promote, foster, and support children’s rights and child participatory mechanisms in Malta. It aligns its work with the United Nations Conventions for the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Adopting a child-based approach, the Network prioritises child participation and policy implementation at a local level through an integrative and collaborative approach.
The Network seeks to raise awareness and influence policy by creating working groups tasked to react and/or promote topics and issues related to children’s rights and child participation. The fundamental pillar of the Network remains the respect for the voice of the child. MaltaCAN is a voluntary organisation made up of 16 independent organisations working in various ways for the wellbeing of children in society. Its aim is to safeguard children’s rights in line with internationally established standards.
The Network seeks to raise awareness and influence policy by creating working groups tasked to react and/or promote topics and issues related to children’s rights and child participation. The fundamental pillar of the Network remains the respect for the voice of the child. MaltaCAN is a voluntary organisation made up of 16 independent organisations working in various ways for the wellbeing of children in society. Its aim is to safeguard children’s rights in line with internationally established standards.
We fight for equal rights and full inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities and their families in all aspects of society.
The Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability (MFOPD) was founded in 1970. Is the the national representative in both local and international fora for the Maltese disability sector. It is constituted from the active non-governmental organisations working in the disability sector and from persons and corporations who are directly and/or indirectly linked to the disability sector in Malta.
MFOPD is the Malta representative of the European Disability Forum (EDF), Inclusion Europe, the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum and CITIZENStandards. At national level it represents the disability sector on the CRPD council, the Civil Society Committee within MCESD and on the Platform of Human Rights in Malta (PHROM).
MFOPD is the Malta representative of the European Disability Forum (EDF), Inclusion Europe, the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum and CITIZENStandards. At national level it represents the disability sector on the CRPD council, the Civil Society Committee within MCESD and on the Platform of Human Rights in Malta (PHROM).
The National Parents Society of Persons with Disability is launching a new website, ‘Services for Persons with Disability and Their Families’: a one-stop shop where one can find basic information on all the services available to persons with disabilities and their families in Malta and Gozo.
This website and its content are coordinated by Fred Bezzina.
This website is financed through the VOPS Scheme of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector within the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations, and Consumer Rights.
This website and its content are coordinated by Fred Bezzina.
This website is financed through the VOPS Scheme of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector within the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations, and Consumer Rights.